Enecta CBD oil

The results of a recent Italian research on the use of Enecta 24% CBD oil for the treatment of various forms of drug-resistant epilepsy have been published.

For years, the results of randomized controlled trials on some pharmaceutical formulations of cannabidiol (CBD) have shown promise to accompany some therapies followed by patients suffering from various forms of drug-resistant epilepsy. At the same time, however, data on efficacy in epilepsy treatment derived from other CBD products (such as cannabidiol oil) were scarce, if not non-existent.

A retrospective study, conducted by researchers at the University of Genoa, IRCCS “G. Gaslini” Institute, has provided a contribution to fill this gap. The research, in fact, offers the first confirmations of the effectiveness of cannabidiol oil (CBD) to intervene on epileptic symptoms and manifestations.

The results represent a significant step towards a future adoption of cannabidiol products in the context of therapies for patients suffering from particular types of epilepsy: drug-resistant epilepsy. The study, in fact, evaluated the efficacy of Enecta CBD 24% Oil, as an adjunctive therapy, on 37 patients affected by this pathology.

At the same time, Enecta takes the utmost care in the preparation of oils, crystals and all other products containing hemp extracts. The care and precision throughout the supply chain, ensure that a product such as Enecta CBD oil is used safely even in therapeutic and research.

CBD oil against drug-resistant epilepsy.

How was the study conducted?

The research was conducted on 37 patients (20 male, 17 female) with different types of drug-resistant epilepsy who used Enecta CBD oil at 24%. For data collection and outcome evaluation, the research team reviewed medical records and information recorded by the people following the patient in their care. Patients ranged in age (between 2 and 54 years). Twenty-two subjects had epileptic encephalopathy, nine had focal epilepsy, and six had generalized epilepsy.

All participants took a daily dose, between 5 and 50 milligrams per kilogram of body weight, of 24% Enecta CBD oil.

The oil was administered sublingually, and its efficacy was assessed based on episodes of seizure manifestations that were reported during the follow-up period. The results were surprising.

Seven patients no longer had epileptic manifestations, 27 patients saw a decrease in the number of seizures by more than 50%, two patients reported a milder decrease, and only one discontinued therapy because he found no efficacy. Perhaps one of the most important data concerns the concomitant therapy with other antiepileptic drugs: in ten of the subjects involved the so-called “weaning” from the drug was achieved after about 24 weeks after the beginning of the administration of CBD oil.

Last, any adverse effects were evaluated. Nine patients experienced mild and, in each case, transient events, such as loss of appetite or mild drowsiness. Four of the seven patients who reported drowsiness were on combination therapy with valproic acid, a drug used to treat epilepsy. No changes in liver enzyme function were observed.

Looking at the results in more detail, it was learned that as many as 19 of the 22 patients with epileptic encephalopathy experienced a marked improvement, with a consistent drop in the number of seizures. Among the nine patients with focal epilepsy, five observed a strong improvement in the number of seizure episodes and three of these never had another seizure. The same thing happened to three of the six patients with generalized epilepsy: the seizures had disappeared.

The researchers did not observe a direct correlation between the amount of CBD oil and the absence of seizures. The dosage, in fact, was variable over time. This is something to do further research on, to better understand what factors sanction the success of cannabidiol in an epileptic subject.

Importantly, the 37 individuals involved in the study were taking multiple concomitant antiepileptic medications during the baseline period. Twenty-four patients were taking valproic acid and clobazam, both anticonvulsant substances. Patients who experienced at least a 50% reduction in seizures reduced the dose of concomitant medications 24 weeks after the introduction of CBD-based oil.

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Post Author: John D. Mack