Can Mattress Toppers Really Improve Sleep?

Mattress toppers are considered the icing on the cake for perfect sleep. What used to be known only from box spring beds mattress with good edge support is increasingly being used for conventional beds.

But what are the benefits of mattress toppers in terms of hygiene, lying comfort and sleep quality? We tell you under which circumstances an investment is actually worthwhile, what you can expect from a Topper, which material is suitable for whom and what you should urgently consider when buying.

That good sleep is essential, we usually only notice when it gets lost. Not a rare problem, if you believe the latest DAK health report.

According to the report, sleep disorders among working people between the ages of 35 and 65 have risen by 66 percent since 2010. According to the representative study with 2.6 million working insured persons, about 80 percent of employees currently sleep poorly.

The figures are alarming when you consider what poor sleep means for our well-being and our performance during the day.

Looking for clues: The mattress as the cause of sleepless nights

Anyone who goes on a search for clues to find the source of restless nights will quickly end up at his mattress – the basis for good and restful sleep, so to speak. “That is obvious, because often remedies can be found very quickly after a detailed analysis,” says owner Gerd Schründer.

He also notes that the demand for mattress toppers, i.e. comfort pads for mattresses, has increased enormously in recent times – quasi as a quick, inexpensive solution for an unsuitable mattress. A double-edged sword, as the expert says, because toppers are often bought for the wrong reasons.

Mattress toppers in test: Why a glance at the test report is not enough?

Many people would like to get detailed information about the product in advance, read test reports on toppers on the net, compare mattress toppers made of cold foam, visco-foam or gel and then expect immediate improvement.

“Toppers are a wonderful invention, but I always point out to my customers that even the best mattress topper cannot make up for a bad mattress”, says Gerd Schründer, .

“They are rather suitable for enhancing the excellent properties of a well-fitting and high-quality mattress; in other words, for refining the lying sensation”. A detailed purchase advice is therefore essential here.

The advantages: What are toppers in conventional beds suitable for?

To better understand why mattress toppers are not a miracle cure for a sore back or a mattress that is much too soft – a small digression to the topper and its real advantages:

Mattress toppers are usually four to ten centimetres high, thin mattresses, which at best have a removable and washable cover and are placed on the actual mattress. Originally conceived as an integral part of box spring beds, they are increasingly being used in beds with slatted frames.

Comfort pads for a plus in hygiene

It sounds unpleasant, but it is a fact: we lose about a quarter to a litre of sweat every night. On top of this, there are other body fluids and skin scales that over time make a mattress an ideal place for bacteria, fungi and all kinds of allergens.

Therefore, it makes sense to provide additional protection for your mattress. The cover of the topper is usually – similar to conventional mattresses – provided with climate fibre stitching, which additionally ensures a healthy and dry bed climate.

Toppers are therefore a wonderful way to protect the actual mattress and provide an additional plus in hygiene in your own bed.

Are toppers also suitable for allergy sufferers?

Definitely! Toppers – regardless of whether they are made of viscose foam, gel or cold foam – are absolutely suitable for people who suffer from asthma or allergies, for example.

High-quality toppers especially for allergy sufferers are equipped with a mite-proof cover, the material of which has usually been treated with antibacterial agents in a special process. This means that mites or molds have no chance of spreading – even after frequent washing of the topper cover.

Post Author: John D. Mack

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